At Speira, we have been setting high demands and standards for aluminium recycling for years. As one of the leading European aluminium rolling and recycling companies, it is only natural for us to use all the advantages of the material, such as recycling without loss of quality, in such a way that the raw material benefits both people and the environment.
A closer look at aluminium recycling reveals numerous advantages. Firstly, energy consumption is significantly lower than in primary production. Aluminium recycling requires only around 5 percent of the energy used for primary extraction from bauxite. In line with the energy savings, emissions of climate-damaging gases are also reduced. The use of water, one of the world's most valuable resources, is also significantly reduced when recycling aluminium. In addition, recycling does not require bauxite, which is the main source for the extraction of new aluminium. Therefore, no valuable habitats are affected by bauxite mining.
Further advantages of aluminium-recycling:
Our customers come from a wide range of industries and value first-class quality and a high recycled content in their products. We offer them years of experience and world-leading expertise in the recycling of aluminium. Use our contact form today.
In our production of aluminium, we rely on very high proportions of recycled material. Various units are available in our production facilities to process aluminium optimally: Single-chamber furnaces melt and refine pure scrap, while two-chamber furnaces can also process materials with coatings or lubricants. Tiltable rotary drum furnaces are used for optimum processing of contaminated scrap and material compositions but can also be used in a variety of ways for different types of scrap. Impurities in the metal are further reduced in the furnace and the aluminium is collected in liquid form.
The aluminium is refined to improve its quality. The appropriate alloy is produced from molten aluminium, depending on customer requirements and the area of application.
Our form of delivery is also geared towards customer demand and our efforts to continuously improve our environmental footprint. Some of our products are therefore delivered directly to our customers' foundries as liquid metal, which leads to significant energy savings during further processing. For other applications, our rolling mills produce aluminium products in the form of coils or sheets.
In the field of aluminium recycling, a distinction is often made between pre-consumer and post-consumer scrap. Both types of scrap are valuable resources, but they differ in their origin.
Pre-consumer material is created during production and is recycled before it reaches the end consumer. It is therefore removed from the waste stream directly during the manufacturing process. This can be aluminium as production waste, as surplus materials or from defective products. As pre-consumer material does not leave the supply chain, it can be recycled directly without any major processing.
Post-consumer material comes from products that have already been used by end consumers, whether privately, commercially, industrially or institutionally, and have reached the end of their useful life. Examples include empty cans, old window frames or disused electronics. Material returns from the distribution chain can also be considered as post-consumer material.
Aluminium can be recycled almost an unlimited number of times without any loss of quality. This fact makes aluminium recycling not only energy-efficient, but also ecologically valuable. Beverage cans are one example of how this cycle works. In Germany, 99 % of all aluminium cans are already recycled. At Speira, we are actively committed to further increasing this rate in other countries and ensuring the sustainable recycling of this valuable metal. Each can goes through a closed life cycle that repeats itself in a very short time. Recycled cans are often back on the market after just 60 days.
In addition to beverage cans, the automotive industry also shows how valuable the repeated recycling of aluminium is. Vehicle parts such as engine blocks or wheel rims are reprocessed at the end of their life and reused in new products. Likewise, aluminium from window frames or aluminium façade cladding in architecture and construction are returned to the cycle after use.
Our own recycling plants with a total capacity of 650,000 tons per year make a significant contribution to this. Our can recycling capacity is 100,000 tons per year, which corresponds to the aluminium content of all beverage cans consumed in Germany each year. In this way, we are creating a sustainable circular economy that largely covers material requirements and significantly reduces emissions at the same time.
Our expertise in the production of rolled aluminium products from recycled aluminium is based on a comprehensive recycling approach, state-of-the-art production methods and a strong focus on sustainability. As a leading aluminium rolling and recycling company in Europe, we produce high-quality rolled products such as aluminium plates, coils, sheets and strips, which are used as input material in the transport sector or the automotive and packaging industries. However, this is not where aluminium recycling ends for us. With our ambitious pioneering spirit for innovation and research, we have developed recycling-friendly alloys that are unique on the market.
Our rolled products with a particularly high recycled content are certified by an independent third party and bear the ORBIS label. With our ORBIS products, we achieve an external scrap content of at least 75%. ORBIS, derived from the Latin term for “circle”, symbolizes our path towards a closed cycle - a concept that combines environmental responsibility, resource conservation and consistently high quality.
We look forward to your inquiry. Simply get in touch using our contact form and let's discuss your project together.