We think about our future – and yours. Speira offers many opportunities for starting your career

Speira is looking for you! Whether you've got a background in manufacturing, you're an engineer or IT expert, you have a degree in finance or business, want to develop your skills in admin or sales, or you're active in one of the many professions that we need. In all of these areas, we can guarantee you one thing: the best prospects for your future.

A Speira employee in work clothes holds on to the yellow handrail of a staircase.

A career with Speira? As durable as aluminium. Speira offers excellent opportunities for getting started in your career.

May we introduce ourselves? We're Speira. Aluminium is our core business and the material of the future. We operate on a global scale. We think sustainably - also in terms of the careers in our company.

That's why we offer an open and inclusive work environment, challenging tasks, and excellent potential for development.

Varied opportunities await you: Help drive the business forward, develop products, get involved with our exciting recycling technologies, dedicate yourself to our social and environmental responsibilities, and much more. The possibilities are endless. One thing's for sure. You'll become an important part of our globally successful company.

At Speira, bright minds are always welcome: from apprenticeships to internships or direct employment. Apply now and help us shape the future of Speira - and your own future too.

Open positions in Germany and Norway

Working At Speira
training on the job

Interested in training on the job? Become a part of our journey!

Everything from student internships to job training programs in a technical or marketing function – you'll find it all at Speira.

Would you like to start your job training with a company that's both international and family-oriented? Congratulations! You've just found us: Speira is one of the largest aluminium producers in the world, and yet we're still one big family here. We offer the perfect conditions for getting your career off to a good start with a job training program - whether it’s in a technical operations, marketing, or IT function. With a well-qualified and highly-motivated training team, we'll provide you with excellent practical experience while guiding you in the first steps along your career path - and even further if you like. In short: If you're looking for exceptional job training, come to Speira!

Your job training opportunities at Speira, Diverse and varied – something for every taste!

  • Machine and plant operator
  • Industrial mechanic
  • Electronics technician for operations technology
  • Industrial business assistant
  • IT specialist
  • Materials tester
  • Process technician
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
A Speira employee in work clothes stands in one of the Speira plants. Speira employee during a production stage next to an aluminium coil. A Speira employee in work clothes with a measuring device in a Speira plant. A smiling Speira employee in office attire next to a staircase in an office.

Machine and plant operator

  • Duration: 2 years
  • Training locations: Hamburg, Grevenbroich, Neuss
  • Prerequisite: High school diploma

Industrial mechanic

  • Duration: 3.5 years
  • Training locations: Hamburg, Grevenbroich, Neuss
  • Prerequisite: High school diploma

Electronics technician for operations technology

  • Duration: 3.5 years
  • Training locations: Hamburg, Grevenbroich, Neuss
  • Prerequisite: High school diploma

Industrial business assistant

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Training locations: Grevenbroich
  • Prerequisite: Vocational high school diploma, specialist or university entrance qualification
A smiling Speira employee in a work shirt looks at a monitor in the office. A Speira lab technician inspects material in protective equipment. A laboratory technician from Speira inspects a materials testing device. Seven Speira employees in work clothes next to bales of old aluminum cans.

IT specialist

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Training locations: Grevenbroich
  • Prerequisite: High school diploma

Materials tester

  • Duration: 3.5 years
  • Training locations: Bonn & Grevenbroich
  • Prerequisite: Vocational high school diploma

Process technician

  • Duration: 3.5 years
  • Training locations: Hamburg, Neuss
  • Prerequisite: High school diploma

Warehouse logistics specialist

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Training locations: Hamburg
  • Prerequisite: High school diploma
Working At Speira
School intern

Want to get a taste of work while you're still at school? No problem!

School interns are warmly welcome at Speira!

Whether it's a one-day internship, career exploration days, Girls & Boys Day, or an internship for high schoolers lasting several weeks, so far all of the students visiting Speira have enjoyed getting a taste of what the working world is really like. You'll find the internship times and locations next to the open positions, and from there you can apply online directly. If you don't find anything that suits you - just send us a short message. We'll then check if there are other opportunities.



Two smiling Speira employees walk through the aluminum plant in their work clothes.
Working At Speira
Training collaborations

Training collaborations at the Grevenbroich plant Would you like to have your job trainees educated at Speira? No problem!

Two young smiling Speira employees in work and office clothes.

Are you a company that employs trainees in the Grevenbroich area, and looking for a professional partner for the education of your student trainees? With Speira, you're making the right choice! We offer a modern training workshop, motivated master trainers, and many years of experience. The test results of our trainees speak for themselves. From machine operator or electronics technician to industrial mechanic - we offer an excellent training program for everyone. Get in touch by sending a message to our training management team. Then we'll check the opportunities for a training collaboration.


Great opportunities for those getting started in their careers or university students.

Whether it's your first job, a student/intern work experience during university, or part of a thesis that includes an extra portion of practical experience - Speira offers it all.

Speira is one of the largest aluminium producers in the world. Here you have the ideal opportunities for getting started in your career, or for getting fascinating insights into operations, business and technology while you're still studying. Whether you're studying economics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, metallurgy or other engineering fields: We offer exceptional practical experience - even in preparation for your university degree - and we're happy to support you during your thesis. In short: Join us and apply now.

A smiling Speira employee in office attire sits on a sofa in the office.

Professionals inspired by other professionals – Speira offers ideal opportunities for experienced professionals

Whether you bring experience in manufacturing, as an engineer, in IT, with finance, business, as an administrator, in marketing, or in any other specialty, we have a lot to offer experienced professionals: Challenging responsibilities, a pleasant working environment, exciting projects, training and opportunities for personal development, and much more.

Job challenges and career prospects are important, but we also understand the importance of personal well-being and recognition for your achievements. That's why we offer attractive salaries and ensure a good work-life balance as a matter of course.

Become a part of Speira and help create a brighter future - for yourself and our company.

A Speira employee in front of the firing process.

Career questions – that's our job Please get in touch – we look forward to hearing from you

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